Programme Execution/Management
Public Health/WASH
Senior Mgt (VP, CxO, Program Director)
I have over 13 years of professional experience that includes 8 years working experience in Assam in the development sector with national and international agencies. I have extensive experience in project development and management, providing technical assistance to varied stakeholders, advocacy, networking and liaising with the government and leading teams. Currently I am associated with India operation of SolutionOne Consulting GmbH, an Austrian Development consulting company in the capacity of Lead Manager Programmes India Operation. My profile includes providing programme management and technical guidance on the ongoing Public Health, Nutrition and Sustainable development programmes and networking with government departments at central government and also at state level.
SolutionOne GmbH is a consulting company that specializes in providing technical advisory services to government, non government and development agencies on Public Health, Reproductive Health , ARSH, Nutrition and Sustainable Development Goals. Responsibilities undertaken • Taking overall operational lead in programme development process, country specific programmes on Public Health, HIVAIDS, and Nutrition running 6 states in India Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Nagaland. • Providing support and technical guidance to partner organizations in implementing programmes on Public Health, nutrition and sustainable development supported by EU, DFID, USAID and different Government. • Policy Research and Advocacy on Public Health and Youth led programme for various issues. • Managing Funds and Budget of the company and supervising partner organisation in India and provide management and technical support to global operations as a member of International
• Designing strategies and developing projects for PFI in partnerships with NGOs, based on assessment and needs on reproductive health, Malaria, HIVAIDS , nutrition and youth issues in Jharkhand. • Lead and supervise Packard Foundation supported Adolescent and reproductive health, HIVAIDS, Nutrition and Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre programme in Jharkhand. Providing technical support and regular monitoring for corrective action of PFI supported Community radio, action research, and advocacy programmes on adolescent and reproductive health in the state. • Experience working with USAID, Govt. of India, GFATM and Packard Foundation Grant • Implemented Community Based Monitoring of Health Services NRHM GoI with the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Jharkhand Civil Society Organization and Community organizers and leaders. • Taking leadership role for participatory development of Jharkhand Youth Policy 2008 through close liaison with the government Department of Art, Cult
• Facilitating preparation and implementation of annual program implementation plan on reproductive health and population issues for neo literates for Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland. • Design and Development of participatory health and nutrition programme with Village and Block literacy committees for Adult Education. • Developing HIV AIDS, life skill education programme for SHG groups formed under literacy movement. • Coordinate with NLMA and support Post Literacy and Continuing Education Programme through Action Research and networking with other organizations for programme support. • Part of empanelled evaluation team of NLMA for evaluation of adult education programmes in Assam and other states.