Top Mgt (CEO, President, MD, Country Director/ Regional Representative, Executive Director)
Experienced in Development Education, Communication Business Administration with more than 27 years of strategic leadership academic experience in the Govt. of India Educational Broadcasting Services and pioneered in the field of Strategic Management of Mass Communication, Educational Technology, Audio-Video Educational Program Production and Celluloid filming on Coastal Ecology Environment. Managerial – Ability to work in a multi-stakeholder environment, lead and work with multi-disciplinary team; provide leadership and exhibit leadership abilities in ambiguous situations; team building, goal setting, shared responsibilities.
Developed ICT aided IEC materials for the tribal children in the forest fringe villages in and around 3240 Vana Surakshya SamitiVSS through Community Knowledge Hubs for promotion of Non-formal Education Program covering 10 districts of Odisha under OFSDP.
Developed the contents scripts and produced more than 600 Educational Enrichment TV and 150 Radio programs for the Primary Secondary students and Teachers of Odisha
Directed two 16mm Eastman color Documentary film on the unique Mangrove Ecosystem of Bhitarkanika of Odisha.
Administering the promotion of learning among the tribalrural secondary girl students through innovative Learning Hubs in two pilot tribal dominant districts, Mayurbhanja Koraput of Odisha with Computer Aided Learning CAL for skill development initiatives.