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SUMAN KALYAN CHAKRABORTY D-185,D.D.A. FLATGROUND FLOOR,KALKA JI,NEW DELHI-110019 Tel 9818377832 Email, PERSONAL SUMMARY 25 years of successful experience with proven competency on Technical Vocational Education, Livelihood, Framework Development, Social Research, Monitoring and Impact Assessment. Worked in the remotest areas on skill projects from scratch and revampedincubated the systems with interventions. Possess understanding and exposure with Skills Service Providers of different countries for the best practices on TVET sector. Managed skills development and livelihood projects for diversified range of client. Possess networking with industries and the nonprofit social sector, worked with range of stakeholders in the PPP space. Designed managed and implemented Rural Entrepreneurship and skill Enhancement project in West Bengal. Entrepreneurial in nature, Strong passion and desire of bringing change and revamp the skills secto
Writing and editing text books of Economics for Post-Graduate M.B.A. RankUnder-Graduate students of different universities across India Royalty Basis.
Create opportunities for CMIE to involve industry, civil sector and other key players in policy dialogue and pilot programs for skills delivery and program design. Fostering partnerships and leading research on globalinterventions on best practices and knowledge transfer through international collaboration between India and other countries. Incubating Sector Skills Councils – developing proposals, engaging industry stakeholders, mobilizing their participation, discussions with industry members and other stakeholders and aggregating their efforts on building employer led skills development programs. Working with diversified stakeholders Champions of the sub sectors of TVET sector and managing various task forces for the review of present government schemes, PPP on Skills, Community Colleges,CSR on Skills and women on skills. Working out the recommendations, analyze the programmes, proposing new interventions, vetting the outcomes with industry experts and preparing working p
Conducted Empirical Research On Natural Resource Issues And Formulate Pragmatic Policy. Reviewed Economic And Other Analytical Work Programs In Close Collaborations With City Managers And Task Teams Responsible For Local And Regional Programs To Ensure Consistency With Strategic Objectives And Prepare Policy Reports And Articles. Conducted High Quality Research On Economic Aspects Of Environmental Policy Issues. Performed Economic Analysis Of Various Aspects Of Regional Integration,Including Trade, Infrastructure And Management Of Shared Resources. Undertaken Urban Poverty Alleviation Programme,National Rural Support Programme By Microfinance Policies. Financial Planning ,Tracking Overdues,Credit Appraisal, Profitability, Sustainability. Policy Advocacy, Monitoring Budget And It’s Allocation. Managing Various Entrepreneurship Training, Rural Livelihood And Business Development Programs.
Looking after overall operation of various social activities like women issues, primary education, health etc. Management of CSR Programme Skill Development,Vocational Trainings for youths, Social Reforms at Slums etc. Streamlining existing initiatives and incubating CSR as dedicated SBU of the organization and Recruiting of Team. Contributions and providing Advisory support to the Board Members, putting CSR into creation domain of the organization. Head of Operation,Strategy, Innovation and Efficiency in two of the five key programs divisions of the organization viz., Health and Education. Additional Support to Expansion, Operations, Knowledge Transfer, Fund Raising, Credit appraisalmonitoring and Monitoring of SHG And Microfinance based Livelihoods Projects Nadia and Purulia in West Bengal. Mandated to restructure and create a sustainable business model for the Micro-Enterprises Division, One of the key units that works under the SHG program. Responsible for analysis
Conceptualizing.designing curriculum contents,training material, training modules, teaching aids etc. for training facilitators and participants and promoting specific training activitiesIPR,Financial Management,Contract Labour, Labour Laws, etc. and projects. Development of in-house modulescourse content in the areas of MSME which shall be used for short term capacity building courses targeting SMEs. Ensuring the integration and coordination of the training and capacity building efforts. Accessing the demand for training the demand for training in the areas of MSMEs with a view to develop new productstraining activities train the trainers program activities. Assist in development of concept paper and theme paper for seminarsconferences. Assist in marketing the portfolio of Centre for MSMEs with stakeholders partners institutions. Oversee and monitor the budgetary aspects of all the activities undertaken by Centre for MSME and assist in achievement of the training