Children/Youth and Volunteering
Top Mgt (CEO, President, MD, Country Director/ Regional Representative, Executive Director)
DR DIPAK KUMAR SAHA, a Senior Associate with Social Impact USA, is a sociologist and results-oriented development specialist with more than 25 years of distinguished career with the United Nations UNICEF UNDP and 10 years with other international and Indian organizations in the development field. His technical expertise lies in the field of Program Management, Advocacy, Operations including Human Resource Development, Administration Finance in the area of Development of Children, Adolescents and Women; Health and Nutrition; Education etc. Dr Saha served Boy Scouts of Bengal and Pioneer Scouts of India as International Scout Commissioner and Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan Kolkata and Apeejay School Sheikh Sarai, New Delhi as Managing Committee Member. He participated in the International Fellowship for Social Workers and Youth Leaders in France 1986 and Sweden 1989 and represented India in these countries and travelled widely. Since his voluntary retirement from the UN service in 2000 he