I have been a mission focused development professional dealing with the issues of TuberculosisHIV-AIDSWomen children empowermentWatershed Management and Community mobilization, for 15 years now. I carry a rich development sector experience and insightful opportunities of working with the National and International Development Agencies, NGOsFBOsCBOscommunity structures, rural, urban, marginalized and general populations, government systems, at the macro and micro levels. I have a distinctive experience of working closely at the both ends i.e. with the beneficiary communities and at policy and program design levels. My career goal is to transit my enthusiasm, creativity and experience into a position, where I continue to provide the strategic and tactical leadership critical to retaining core values and principles of an organization I work with.
Oversees, Supervise and support to meet project deliverables of communication, care support, capacity building, interface, service delivery training in the field, provide managerial technical support to field team in engaging maintaining a network of private practitioners in the region through regular supervision and monitoring visits, monitor demand generation for TB services among urban slum dwellers, advocacy coordination with Government RNTCP and ensure that all trainings are well organized, ensure that all RNTCP officials of the districts are oriented and support to the program, visit different level health centres PHCCHCDistrict hospitalsMedical collegesPrivate practitioners etc. for strengthening health care delivery to TB patients, facilitate TB case notification by networked PHCP to national TB program, provide treatment adherence support to TB patients family, and ensure timely submission of qualitative and quantitative reports by self and team supported by USAIDAbt As
Overall responsible for management of Link Worker Scheme in 19 districts of AP, provide technical Support to 19 district implementation units and state management office, coordination with NACOAPSACSDAPCUDistrict administration for smooth implementation of the project, strengthen access of services to HRGs, Bridge Vulnerable population, capacity building to district project team and lead agency office, strengthen existing community structures for sustainable initiatives of the project and development of learning and demonstration sites with innovations
Provide technical assistance to FBOs CBOs Community Care Centre’s Drop In Centres of PLHIV CABA, develop an effective linkage and leverage efforts from different stakeholders, facilitate capacity building initiatives for CCC DIC management team, technical assistance for effective management of Monitoring Evaluation and CMIS, facilitate in initiation of quality assurance SOPs in implementation of program, facilitate for effective initiatives towards Orphan and Vulnerable Children, facilitate for developing learning sites in CCCDICs and advocacy with APSACSDAPCU
Provide technical Support to partner NGOsCBOs in Project design and regular implementation, Identify the Capacity Building needs of TI NGOCBOs and conduct trainings, undertake periodic reviews with NGOCBOs on their progress, regular and proper operation of monitoring evaluation systems with CMIS, develop community self-monitoring participatory tools techniques and establish systems for effective implementation and monitoring, facilitate TI NGOCBOs for effective Community Mobilization, Advocacy initiatives and Linkage building with government institutions systems and highlight the best practices, innovations, develop learning sites of TI NGOCBOs in AP
Oversees all projects of the organization HIV Prevention – NACO APSACS, HIV Care Support - International HIVAIDS AllianceCatholic Relief Services, TB Control – World Vision India, OVC Learning for Life program – Dutch Bank Big Lottery Fund, Watershed management Rural Livelihood program – DFID Govt of AP