Rural and Urban Development
Not Specified
Core Strengths Strategic leadership Ability to provide strategic leadership to projects and programmes. Have provided strategic leadership and direction to several marketingcommunication projects for multinational clients, national clients, UN agencies and Donor clients. Key names include Unicef, DFID, World Bank,IFC, USAID, Communication Initiative, KPMG, PWC,Deloitte, State Govts, Hindusthan Lever, ITC,Tata Steel, Exide • Areas of strategic leadership in the areas of communication and management covering social and developmental programmes, consumer products, consumer durables, service sector including power, real estate, corporate brand building, financial communication • Specializing in the area of social and developmental programme communication including strategy, pilot implementation, programme reviews, creative development Management Ability to provide management direction to projects and programmes. Expert knowledge in areas of behaviour change communication for social
Single-handedly plan and manage all social development business from Kolkata office.