Programme Execution/Management
Livelihood/Skills Development
Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
Seek a top level assignment with an organisation of repute where gained experience and skills can contribute towards organisations goals.
Business Development, Sales Marketing,Customer Relationship Management,Vendor Development Management,Leadership Team Management,Imparting training to the team members for enhancing their skill levels.
Leading, training monitoring the performance of team,Imparting training to the team members for enhancing their skill levels,Managing a teaching staff, Developing delivering strategic planning, implementation of training.
Analysing business potential, conceptualising executing strategies to drive sales, increasing turnover and achieving targets. Managing business development activities accountable for top-line profitability sales growth.
Business Development, Sales Marketing,Sustainable Development CSR Management,Customer Relationship Management,Vendor Development Management,Leadership Team Management.
Leadership Team Management,office Management,coordinating with CMOS, BMOS,Mahila bal vikas department, panchayat CEOs,supply chain mgt,conducting training, health camps,nukkar natak,addressing gram sabha,
Customer Relationship Management,Vendor Development ,Sales Marketing,Dr.s calls, chemist call suppy chain mgt.,Insure stock availability. ordesr booking from retailer ,. doctors , stockiest.
Customer Relationship Management,Vendor Development ,Sales Marketing,Dr.s calls, chemist call suppy chain mgt.,Insure stock availability. ordesr booking from retailer ,. doctors , stockiest.nursing homes, charitable hospitals