Not Specified
Corporate Social Responsibility
Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
M.A,Ph.D. worked in different capacities from implementation level to policy and decision making level in the field of social development sector along with NGO mgmt Corporate Social Responsibilities
Overall responsible to develop the induction and refresher training modules to Sahyogi teachers Para teacher and subject specific training modules for all teachers in the State in coordination with the districts with the help from Resource persons and UNICEF. Ensure the quality of training and emergence of grass-root institutions like Village Education Committees, Cluster Resource Centers and Block Resource Centers in the district in the light of NPE and child right issues.Responsible for strengthening of Institutions and making it functional and vibrant. Ensure regular coordination and liasioning with District teams and other department’s head. Coordinate the monthly review meeting at State level for effective implementation. Participated and anchored the various teacher training module development programmes work-sheet based teaching and learning, science training at the State level and also anchored the workshop for the development of Village Education Training Module and Community
• Conceptualize and develop appropriate program interventions and strategies that are consistent with goals and objectives of Cargill Project. • Manage Education Program as per project commitment guidelines of the organization CARE India Improved physical environment • Neat and tidy campus • Display of children material • Use of children blackboard Children committee to Strengthened student teacher relationship • Opportunity to work in peer group • Initiative and responsibility to enhanced interaction among teachers children Improved Teachers Capacity and Motivation • Develop understanding of learning competencies • Facilitate teaching lesson planning • Strengthen Classroom Transaction Processes • Strengthen regular children assessment process • Supportive monitoring of classroom processes. • Strengthen CRC, BRC Varied and Active Learning Opportunities • Learning activities based on children experience and resources in the Neighborhood. • Lesson at the level of child. • Children
Primarily responsible for planning, coordination and implementation of effective education strategies and activities within SNEHAL project. She will provide technical leadership and lead efforts in implementing education interventions based on tested principles techniques as applicable to educational issues in the field to meet various project objectives. She will also ensure towards building the capacity of staffpartners at the state and field level to deliver and reach program goals related to Education sector.
• Conceptualize and develop program interventions projects and activities that are consistent with goals and objectives of Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of PI Industry Limited and its priorities. • Understanding of local context, need and requirement of local community area, developmental activities through commencement of Base Line Survey Study. • Anchor in conducting Baseline diagnostic studies and extend support in its commencement with active participation. • Design and develop interventions and activities for various prioritize sectors as per findings of Baseline Study and decisions taken by CSR Committee. • Based on the requirement of CSR department suggest PI Industry to expand the manpower base horizontally and vertically. • Implementation of CSR activities as per agreed project proposals consistent with goals objectives of CSR policy. • Prepare annual program budget of the CSR activities along with detailed implementation plan. Developing m