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I have 15 years of work experience in development sector.In my initial years,I was involved in grass root level work related with enhancement of sustainable livelihood options for people living at the base of pyramid,with a focus on gender empowerment.later, moved to consultancy work which includes assignment such as study and mapping of people profiles within an organization to create evidence base for HR programme,designing and customization of training module,overhauling of programme to enhance effectiveness.later on worked in a funding organisation and was part of the work which aims at bringing a systemic change in school education. Currently, I am working with ngos network in state of U.P ,to improve the quality of school education through decentralization of education governance.
Part of Decentralize Education Governance Programme team working towards the improvement of quality of school education through enabling the instutional bodies like smc,panchayat education standing committee at district,Block and Gram Panchayat,responsible for the governance of school education.I was assigned to look after the work in three states namely Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Assam .
Overall coordination of SHG work-overhauling, strengthening and expansion.Through 3L i.e learning,legal and livelihood SHG programme women in prostitution,Women at risk and vulnerable category were trained to help them move towards a better and dignified life .
Establishing,strengthening and expansion of livelihood work in Sironj block of Vidisha District in Madhya Pradesh.
HR study, Training module design and customization , support in overhauling of programme.
Leading Decentralization of education programme which entails-Programme management,preparing partner manual,Capabitilty building of ngo partners,nurturing of team,proposal preparation and reporting.