Not Specified
Monitoring and Evaluation
Public Health/WASH
Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
Yuva has a strong academic background with close to eighteen years’ experience in the field of development practice focusing on the design, implementation and evaluation of development programmes, clinical quality assurance and improvement, health system strengthening, preventive public, maternal and reproductive health with multi-sectorial integrated development through cross-sectional partnerships. Much of his work has addressed issues of institutional reform and supporting organizations to re-examine their role, formulate a new vision and institute changes to improve their effectiveness in contributing to development impact. He has specialized skills in integrating health interventions with other avenues of development sector. His strengths also include planning and conducting impact evaluation of multi-disciplinary programmes; extending training and post-training support; qualitative monitoring and evaluation projects; strategic planning and system strengthening initiatives for he
As a Manager in the WHP serves as the principal ME Specialist to the Program Office team members for the implementation of WHP’s Evaluation, and is also responsible for overseeing the WHP’s compliance and statutory requirements. Also, provide technical advice, strategic leadership, technical assistance, and guidance to the Program Office and implementing partners in establishing research and evaluation agendas and ongoing program monitoring actions. Responsible for managing a portfolio that includes reproductive health, family planning, maternal and child health, nutrition and health systems strengthening and Tuberculosis programmes
Responsible for directing and guiding all research and ME activities related to the performance of HLLs programs and other HLLs Family Planning programs in India, including monitoring and evaluation design; selection and measurement of appropriate indicators; development of appropriate ME data collection and reporting forms and systems; data quality assurance processes; database maintenance; appropriate data analysis; and appropriate and timely dissemination of results.
Providing MIS and monitoring and evaluation technical assistance for Strengthening NUHM programmes focusing on HMIS, QPR, QA and ICT. ADB loan is to reinforce NUHM’s efforts to improve the health status of the urban population, particularly of the poor and the vulnerable, through facilitating equitable access to quality, essential health services.
Worked with various Principal Investigator on a research project funded by various donors and for various organizations for two years. Provided support to other research colleagues on routine research activities and techniques and also consistently analysed and interpreted the results of own research and generated conclusions.
Worked with program, research and MIS teams to develop strong marketing strategies for all products with a focus on sales targets, distribution channels, improved efficiency and measurable health impact and also liaised closely with research to ensure a solid evidence base for all marketing communication strategies. Intensively worked with communication marketing department in capacity building and monitoring of the quality of execution of the marketing strategies and ensured the achievement of sales targets and the efficiency of the distribution network in India. Supported the sales team and ensured coordination between marketing and sales strategies and maintained a strong focus on cost effectiveness, productivity and created high impact for all activities. Provided technical assistance when required to develop and managed program budgets from multiple donors.
Responsible to collaborate with program staffs to understand fully the implementation of program and research requirements. Providing input in development of program log frames. Designed research that supports evidence-based decision-making for various programs and also overlooked the development and implementation of research designs for the production of key quantitative and qualitative information through in-house and external resources.
Delivered research and consultancy outputs at a very high standard and developed corporate reputation for high quality work. Provided knowledge direct to the client into research and consultancy projects. Taken responsibility for the development and submission of high quality research proposals direct to clients. Maintained up-to-date understanding of relevant policy changes and also kept appropriate records in line with company policies and procedures, particularly in fulfilment of the company’s objectives in relation to quality standards.
Taken lead of introducing low cost bio-mass stove in India for BoP customers and created several distribution models for enabling access in the urban neighbourhoods rural villages. Taken the lead in the design of a consumer education to develop, grow and sustain the demand for stoves and fuels. Created avenues for partnership with the private sector in stoves and fuel pellets including key stakeholders in various states. Continuously support selected stove and pellet entrepreneurs in development of their businesses through capacity building and business advisory services and also assisted several entrepreneurs in conducting market viability studies and collecting general market intelligence. Support the kick start of pellet producer business especially in promotion and marketing of pellets in the Indian market.