Programme Execution/Management
Rural and Urban Development
Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
I am a development professional with more than 16 years of experience in the management of pro-poor development programmes. I have extensive technical expertise in the area of Governance, Gender, Livelihoods, Rural Development, Child Labour and Human Trafficking, Women and Youth Empowerment, Health, Education, Nutrition, WASH, etc. I owe my robust understanding of the above themes to the many years that I have spent on strategic programme planning and development, implementation, review, monitoring and evaluation in different national and international organisations including the United Nations UN Women, Raleigh International India, International Institute of Sustainable Development IISD, CUTS International, National Law School of India University, British Council, et. al. I am an unassuming, but a thorough professional in understanding the processes involved in pro-poor project management. I am always excited taking up new challenges of creating sometime new or starting from