Rights and Entitlement/Governance
Senior Mgt (VP, CxO, Program Director)
I am a development sector professional with substantial experience in the field of grassroot level action, policy formulation and analysis, monitoring and evaluation of programmes, community capacity development and mobilization, documentation and research, resource mobilization etc. and have been involved in advocacy, programme support, liasoning at the Civil Society, Government and Non-Government level.
I have conducted a research of the performance of District Planning Committee DPC in a district of the state of MP, analysing its functioning vis-a-vis Constitutional provisions and the State Acts, manuals and evaluating the outcomes of the decentralized planning process which is a mandated Constitutional function of local governing bodies. I had also analysed district plans to determine the trend of budgetary allocations for key social and human sectors, responses of the DPC to such allocations and assess its monitoring of the district plan, conducted a training needs assessment to assess capacity gaps and is in the process of preparing a set of training materials for conducting a series of workshops for the DPC members.
I assessed the ground situation with respect to capacities of the local government, financial allocations and their utilization, departmental response to local body plans and initiatives in child development and Disaster Risk Reduction in two cyclone affected coastal districts of AP. The outcome was in the form of a report with the findings, recommendations, potential areas of advocacy, a training module by addressing the gaps and conducted training workshops for local level stakeholders focusing on local Government functioning, planning and monitoring strategies and human child centric governance.
I have worked as a full timer as well as a Consultant with various organizations ranging from NGOs at the State and National level, Civil Society Conglomerates like National Social Watch, Wada-Na-Todo Abhiyan, INGOs like Action Aid, Save the Children, UN agencies like UNDP, UNICEF, UN-Habitat, Governments like Central Government and State Government on behalf of development agencies, Corporate entities like IL and FS Ltd. I had worked most of the time in India apart from brief experiences in countries like Bangladesh, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Myanmar so far. My detailed updated resume contains details about my journey so far in the development world. I have not been individually able to add the professional experience in the online format because of the excessive time consuming exercise and the miserably slow response of the online profile creation system.