Rural and Urban Development
Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
Not Specified
• Monitoring and implementing UMEED Project in J K state. • Promotion of SHGs into Village Organizations, Cluster Level Federations, Block Level Federations and District Level Federations. • Liaising with SRLM SMMU - SPMs, DPMs and BPMs and ensure all requisite preparatory activities • Travel intensively to the districtsblocksvillages of resource blocks and provide field level guidance to CRPs – Community Resource Persons, CCs – Cluster Coordinators and PRPs – Professional Resource Persons both External and Internal community cadre. • Provide capacity building trainings to community and project staff. • Conduct monthly meetings with SMMU teams, PRPs and CCs and review performance and assess the outcomes in the resource blocks. • Preparing monthly monitoring reports like MIS and MPR and analysis of the data. • Attend CRPs briefing and debriefing meetings and assess the outcomes during CRP rounds. • Coordinate with Advisor Social Mobilization – SERP in NRLM cell to upgrade the training