Livelihood/Skills Development
Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
msme entrepreneurship CSR NGO
Managed the project, provided guidance to field staff on related to Public Health, Water and Sanitation and Safe Drinking water, built the capacities of communities to manage the water tanks and organized IEC and Mass awareness campaigns s etc
• Implemented the mission activities in the Andhra Pradesh state including ensuring that the SRCW delivers on the objectives of NMEW. • Prepared the annual work plans for SRCW in consultation with NRCW and WDCW Dept., AP. Also ensured that all staff and institutional partners have clear work plans consistent with the annual work plans. • Lead a team of professionals and manage partner organizations in different aspects of the mission. • Initiated design and development of ICT applications Nutrition Health tracking system, AWC basic information and Monitoring system, Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram RBSK, Women Help line, Victim compensation, Live CSR etc • Operationalized partnerships with line departments at the state level to work on convergence of programmes and schemes like Acts DV Act, ITPA, POCSO, PCMA,SHWW, PCPNDT etc and Schemes BBBP, KSY, Sabla, IGMSY etc related to women and girl child • Anchor mechanisms for on-field convergence between different activity areas social,
• Developed of ICT products Services Dynamic Market Information; Voice messages for pregnant women, online courses on RTI and Financial literacy, online apps on Recaller; eVyapar etc and Multilingual website for Social Sector and provided content in 10 Indian languages related to Women empowerment, child marriages, all are equal, Anti-dowry, Anti Alcoholism, No Tobacco, Human Trafficking, female infanticide and witchcraftsorcery, Migration to Urban areas, Persons with disability, Senior Citizens and Orphans Street Children, Right to Food, Housing, Pension-family-maternal benefits and employment • Developed InDG Vikaspedia knowledge portal as a Social Enterprises and Business model • Prepared Business proposals and had partnerships and collaborations with Central and State Govt depts and NGOs
• Managed Grants of the project and monitored evaluated the project based on LFA • Provided guidance and technical support to field staff on domains of Public health, pre-school, Community based Disaster management, CBO interventions BCC, Integrated Child Development Services ICDS including pre-school components, mainstreaming Gender, Strengthening of Health Volunteers systems and Community Managed Resource Centre. • Managed partnerships with and NGOs.
• Managed the partnership with 10 NGOs in 10s states. • Contributed ideas in development and design of Web based ICT products services for five verticals -Health, Primary Education, Agriculture, E-gov and Rural Energy • Implemented of Outreach programme in national wide through village knowledge centersCommon Service Centers • Developed content for domain of Primary Education • Managed collaborations networking with GONGO, organized state national level workshops, ME, reporting and documentation
• Managed Communication team and provided technical guidance in development of Training modules, technical series, IEC material, audiovisual production, Multimedia products other Publications related to Women Empowerment, Microfinance, Livelihoods Self Help Groups. • Worked as Associate Editor for monthly magazine “mahila sadikaratha” women empowerment • Organized National State level event Advocacy programmes, provided Capacity building to primary Secondary Stakeholders related to SHGs, Microfinance, Livelihoods, Communication and PTM. • Managed Collaborations and Networking with NGOs and Govt., • Managed Print and Electronic media, Monitored the activities and Managed 2 websites.
• Conducted Capacity building programmes for Forest Dept , NGO and online departments on Gender, VCCEDC, SHGs, Mangroves importance, Institution building, Participatory Mangrove management etc • Conducted Research study on Socio-economic condition of fishermen community • Developed IEC material • Provided guidance to field staff on Promotion and Strengthen of SHGsCBOs, forest committees, livelihood activities coir roping, milch cattle, tailoring • Had partnership with Banks, Govt departments and NGOs regarding bank linkage, village development activities. • Prepared and implemented microplans including livelihoods and Microfinance activities