New Delhi
Program Development & Management
Child Care and Nutrition
Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
I am a Development Professional and have been involved in the development sector for more than a decade. Presently I am associated with AIACA . I am responsible for overall management of various projects across the country. Prior to working at AIACA I was associated with Child Rights organization called CRY and Child Fund India where I was associated on managing partners and working on issues related to Child Rights, Health Education and Nutrition.
Responsible for partners level supportive supervision of ChildFund programs for life cycle stages on health education and life skills with special emphasis on Child Rights $ education, maternal and child heath ARSH and livelihood.
My role was a link between CRY and CRY supported partner at grassroot level. My responsibilities included partnership management, program management, grant making, assessing and providing inputs for partners capacity building needs in thematic and systemic areas like heath Education and protection.
project planning and management and work as a mediator between the field and head office. Coordinate with the district / stakeholder organization for effective program implementation. Conduct training need assessment with assistance from Delhi head quarter. Work directly with district healthofficer.
Provide project management support for project implemented by AIACA. Undertake communication and reporting to funders, understanding funder requirements and addressing them with maximum impact. Contribute in all organisational activities as and when required.