Swati Lal

Consultant at Confederation of Indian Industry

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Professional experience in diversified multi-faceted functional areas having worked on some of the key sustainable development programs with national and international agencies in multi-cultural set-ups. My areas of expertise include but are not limited to program coordination and management; subcontracts, grants and budget management; communication, advocacy and events; editing, reporting and documentation; and coordination with multiple stakeholders at national and international level.

Professional Experience

  • Consultantaug-2014 - jan-2015

    Confederation of Indian Industry

    Coordinated with companies in India and institutions operating in the business ecosystem for various activities related to the Integrated Reporting Lab India. a country-level network set up by CII with mentorship of the International Integrated Reporting Council IIRC, UK. The Lab generated initial revenue around 15 lacs. • Acted as the focal point for managing functioning of the IR Lab including membership, working groups, advocacy, knowledge resources, outreach, webinars, training and capacity building programmes. • Prepared annual strategic plan for IR Lab and followed through within timelines and budget.

  • Grants Coordinatorfeb-2012 - feb-2014

    Public Health Foundation of India

    • Prepared strategic framework for grants pre-and-post award process, which was successfully implemented across PHFI and its five Institutes of Public Health IIPHs. • Assisted the President, the Vice-President Research and Policy during the proposal development phase. • Prospecting and identifying new grant funding opportunities and share information across PHFI and IIPHs. • Prepared budgets, budget narratives and assembled institutional documentation for various proposals. • Provided guidance and training to researchers regarding policies and procedures on grant submission. • Edited draft proposals, progress reports, quarterly newsletters, and PHFI annual report. • Served on PHFI Institutional Ethics Committee IEC. Prepared minutes of the IEC meetings.

  • Consultant (Full-time)apr-2016 - dec-2016

    Global Green Growth Institute

    • Prepared the Communication strategy for GGGI India Program targeted at various stakeholders. • Liaised with GGGI Headquarters Seoul and managed communication activities related to India Program. • Developed communication products for India Program, including program and technical reports, brochures, presentations, factsheets, newsletters, case studies, blurbs, blogs, and briefing notes. • Shared success stories by producing and disseminating literature on program achievements, new initiatives and delivering key messages through different communication channels including social media. • Research and shared relevant intelligence and news alerts important from a program perspective. • Provided planning and coordination support for outreach events; prepared and maintained database on programs.

Volunteering Experience

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Awards & Certifications

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