Research/Policy Advocacy
Social Sector
Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
I am Dr Amit Saini a Dentist with 19 years of clinical experience in General Dentistry and currently the Founder Head of an NGO in Oral Health for the past 6 years from Punjab, India. As Head of a Non-Profit working in the field of Oral Health in Punjab-India, I am in touch with Heads of International Organisations in the Healthcare and Development Sector working in India and globally.
I was assigned the Clinical duties of the Prosthodontic Department and also supervising the Final Year Clinical works of the Dental Students.
My job profile includes managing and treating the patients for their Dental ailments at the Dental Clinic.
I helped in Conceptualizing and setting up of the Dental Department at this Charitable Hospital in Village Mazara Nau-Abad under Nawanshahr, Punjab in July 2007.
The Project was awarded the KARMAVEER CHAKRA, 2012 by iCONGO in association with UN during the REX Conclave held in Delhi at Saint Jesus and Mary College.