Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
Not Specified
Working as Research academic and communication assistant in department . Involve in Conduct workshop ,seminar, meetings Teaching PG student in concern subject Part of Industry training MDP FDP and different industrial workshops Builds data sets for specific research needs or for reports, using various computer programmes as needed and periodically updating the information to allow its distribution and easy access . Write proposals and presentations to pitch for Management research development. Writing Case Study on different research agendas Part of digital teaching and training on concern subjects Part of departmental communication PR activities of departmental Admin activity with other project activity
Working as Project Coordinator ,HR cum Consultant on Skill, Education, Livelihood, Nutrition ,Renewable Energy, Training, Recruitment, Community Development, Advisory, Government Liasoning, CSR, Welfare, RR, PRO projects. Working in different Projects of education, livelihoods, entrepreneurship, Renewable Energy, Training, Community Development, Advisory, education domains.Involve in different Education, Training Programms.Planned , Motivate, Mobilized and educate the community to understand the opportunity of development come forward to fight the poverty .Conducted training and workshops with staffs and volunteers in order to increase capacity of community, demonstration projects and related local economic development initiatives. Mobilization of the poor on the basis of affinity groups and building SHGs taking each and every poor household with the help of his her support staff in the. Identifying new and existing SHGs formed under different government mission and assess the stat
Working on different projects of Education, Skill, Industry, Startups, DMF,E-governance, Livelihood, Government Consulting, Research, Liasioning, Environment, Social Development Projects .Review of government structure, policies and institutions for enhancing government effectiveness to implement of the project. Policy framing ,Monitor analyse Skill, Livelihood ,micro enterprise Enhancement of Rural People Programmes .Utilization of CSR funds of industries in the state for Livelihood skill development, Micro enterprise development. Review of tools, mechanisms and frameworks for awareness raising and advocacy, and make specific strategy and recommendations that would advocate for genuine rural people participation for social development.Develop reports on performance of the district under the programme .
Working on Skill , Nutrition, Livelihood, Forest, Financial Inclusion, Agriculture, Watershed, ME, Social Entrepreneur ,DMF,CSR,Training projects. Review of government structure, policies and institutions for enhancing government effectiveness to implement of the project. Policy framing ,Monitor analyse Skill, Livelihood ,micro enterprise Enhancement of Rural People Programmes.Review of tools, mechanisms and frameworks for awareness raising and advocacy, and make specific strategy and recommendations that would advocate for genuine rural people participation for social development.Make an assessment of the social development programmes to identify key partnerships that can be developed with different entities working on livelihood and skill development, such as micro-finance institutions, NGO’s, corporate sector and government institutes.Organize Capacity Building training, update database of trainers, experienced resource persons and develop the state specific advocacy plan as per
Working on Skill, Health, Livelihood, Nutrition, Training, Urban Development, Forest, ME, DMF,Research, CSR projects. Conduct studiessurveys related to CSR; research and documentation.Utilization of CSR funds of industries in the state for Livelihood skill development , Micro enterprise development.Review of tools, mechanisms and frameworks for awareness raising and advocacy, and make specific strategy and recommendations that would advocate for genuine rural people participation for social entrepreneurship.Make an assessment of the social development programmes to identify key partnerships that can be developed with different entities working on livelihood and skill development, such as microfinance institutions, NGO’s, corporate sector and government institutes.Keep track of the validated data flow on regular basis among different levels of service delivery with specific focus on follow up of HIV positive to identify drop out and assisting in compliance for treatment and care.