Nashik, Kolhapur, Pune, Solapur, Thane, Ahmednagar
Rural and Urban Development
I have been working in Development sector since near about last 5 years. In this time span I have worked on different projects like Women empowerment, Education, Health, Skill Development, Model Village Development. So I can work on any project as per organizational guidelines.
Here I am working on Model Village Concept on sixteen different developmental Indicators. I have to stay residential as Rural Development Fellow. In given area to get mix up with community in well manner. This grass root level work experience always give a boost to do well for community develoment.
Here I have worked on Women Empowerment, Self Help Groups, Joint Liability Groups , Education, Health handled 10 no. of peoples team here as a Block Coordinator. From this organization I have lerant a reporting, Leadership.
Here I have worked on Skill Development projects. Like to arrange farmers training with experts to give them upliftment for thier production with good quality. Also here I have arranged skill trainings for youths and women's too. Fish farming also started by the farmers after training.
Here I have worked on Education & Health project as per guideline given by Management in Tribal & Rural area. From this organization I have started my work journey as an employee.
At Zilla Parishad Kolhapur I have worked as a trainee. In this time span I have worked on Sanitation twice in a week. In this time I have awared people to construct and use of toilets which gives them healthy life via my research and street plays.