Program Implementation
Public Health/WASH
Junior Management
A graduate student from GDC, Patiala with PG in public health from SVSU, Gurgaon. I have 1.7 years of experience in National public projects aiming to accelerate development and impact across a cross section of health, technology. My most recent projects includes NHRR- India's 1st National Health census, Ayushman Bharat. As a part of these transformative projects I have had the opportunity to contribute in research, training and capacity building, data analysis and presentation, report writing.
Patient recall and management. Performed all kinds of dental procedures providing services in endodontics, prosthetic, restorative, and exodontia services to the patient and consultative appointments to explain appropriate treatment options and educate on upcoming procedures.
Field level management, training and capacity building, quality check, data analysis and presentation, report writing, managing various stakeholders of MoHFW, Senior regional directors and regional health officials
Reached out to field for data collection. Real-time back-checks to keep a close watch on the quality and comprehensiveness of data and information collected. Prepared weekly written and oral reports about work dome and needs.