Program Development & Management
Women Empowerment
Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
Have 20 years of Experience in the Development Sector , women and Child Development, Research and Documentation
Administering and Managing, coordinating with Districts, Correspondence and Communication with GoI and the Districts, Implementation of Various Women Protection and Empowerment Schemes implemented By WCD, Telangana Govt. Monitoring BBBP, OSCSakhis,and many other Centrally Sponsored Schemes
Managing a Child Care Institute, Coordinating with the Funders and Donors, Documentation and monitoring the Development of the Children Budgeting and Planning, Monitoring the progress
Administration and Managing the Project individually with the Help of a team of 7 members, Budgeting and Planning Procurement and Distribution, Maintaining Sponsor relationship, Communication and correspondence, implementation of Programmes and Monitoring the Progress of the Projects, preparing PDD
capacity building, facilitating the trainings, networking, advocacy and documentation
content writing , proof reading and editing the content for a website
coordinating the livelihood trainings, marketing, exhibitions