Dhemaji, Assam
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Name: Dinesh Borah S/O: Mr. Prafulla Borah Village: Jamuguri Konch Gaon P.O: Jamuguri Panch Ali P.S: Dhemaji District: Dhemaji State: Assam Pin : 787057 Education Qualification: MA in Sociology Contract Number: 6001557581 Email: dineshborahdmj@gmail.com
To improve HIV testing among Pregnant Women and effective reporting system both public and private sector. * Linkages of Positive Pregnant Women to ART. * Virological Test for HIV Exposed Infants within 2 month of birth. * HIV test of Partners/Spouses of Positive Pregnant Women.
Organize monthly health camps, using prison clinic or mobile ICTC if available or organizing through outreach mode in line w ith NACO’s existing guidelines * Carry out regular advocacy and sensitization meetings with key stakeholders in prisons and other closed settings. * Support inmates in availing vocational training/income generation/livelihood schemes and in accessing free social and legal services. * Establish linkages with existing services in the community for HIV counselling and testing if F- ICTC or mobile ICTC is not available for this purpose.
Prepare a schedule of training for capacity building of project staff. * Emphasis regular use of condom to change the high risk behavior through Behavior Change Communication (BCC). * To create Enabling Environment establish network with Policy Maker, Police, District Health Department, ICTC etc. * Mobilize and marginalize target communities affected and infected by HIV infections. * Provide Clinical services to reduce chances of spreading of STD & HIV/AIDS among the target community. * Support referral and linkages services to the beneficiaries for both HIV and non-HIV services. * Monitor and review the project activities along with required handholding support. implementation of the project. * Continuous evaluation of the project. * Ensure smooth functioning of the project. * Review, assess effectiveness and modify strategy from time to time. * Visit field and see the quality of service. * Conducting monthly staff meeting
Formed Community Advisory Board chairmanship with DC, Dhemaji * Link community people with other social protection/Social Welfare scheme. * Help the community people to get Ration Card, Voter ID and Adhar Card. * Able to 2 times distributed Dry Ration among all the registered FSW community in Collaboration with district administration at the Covid-19 pandemic situation. * Conducted Advocacy with DC, ADC, SP, DSP, Joint Director of Health Services, DACO cum DTO, Media person, Social Welfare Department, Food and Civil Supply Department, Police Station, NGO, Social Workers, Pimps, Local Gundas etc. * Developed Exclusive TI covering FSW and expanded it to Composite TI covering FSW and IDU.
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