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*Coordinated socio-economic survey of 110 households in Borghar Panchayat; facilitated 4 Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRA) with village stakeholders; formulated Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) recommendations. *Surveyed 353 beneficiaries of Sanjay Gandhi Niradhar Pension Yojana spread across 10+ villages; submitted report. *Assessed non-timber forest products (NTFPs) based entrepreneurial opportunities in Bhimashankar Forest Reserve. *Conducted SWOT Analysis of Self Help Group (SHG) led Millet Processing and Value Addition Unit.
District Nodal for Social Inclusion and Social Development (SISD) 1. Food, Nutrition, Health, WASH (FNHW) *Trained 60+ Community Resource Persons on 10 FNHW modules focused on sensitization and behavioural change. *Monitored SHG training sessions on FNHW modules delivered by 90+ Community Resource Persons across 5 blocks. *Oversaw 2 nutritional awareness initiatives, Poshan Pakhwada and Poshan Maah, through CLFs, VOs and SHGs. 2. Gender Resource Centers (GRC) *Trained 20+ Community Resource Persons on 6 gender modules to effectively promote gender sensitization. *Strengthened Social Action Committee in 24 Cluster-level Federations (CLFs); monitored operational aspects of 5 GRCs and 5 Nari Adhikar Kendras. *Organised gender campaigns to raise awareness against prevalent gender-related issues within the community.