Juhi Devi

A.N.M at Juhi Devi


Not Specified

Not Specified

Not Specified


Not Specified

Professional Experience

  • A.N.MMay-2012 - Jan-2015

    Juhi Devi

    Clinic Assistant On Honrary Basic and O.T Assistant.

  • A.N.MMay-2012 - Jan-2015

    Juhi Devi

    Good persomance

Volunteering Experience

  • Clinic Assistant Honrary Basic and O.T Assistant May-2012 - Jan-2015

    Juhi Devi

  • Clinic Assistant Honrary Basic and O.T Assistant May-2012 - Jan-2015

    Juhi Devi

    Good perfomance

Awards & Certifications

  • Prasad Clinic JhariaJan-2015


    Very Good Employee