Programme Execution/Management
Public Health/WASH
Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
I am a development specialist with substantial experience managing projects and programs, strategy development, advocacy and networking, Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, WASH and agriculture development
• Lead the development of country strategy plan Everyone Forever for India in line with global policy framework of Water For People and oversee its implementation. • Be part of global policy revision, ME and program management team and contribute in developing ME mechanism, indicators as well as program management tools and process. • Take a lead in customizing the ME mechanism and program management tools for India program and led their implementation. • Undertake analysis of the country program to review the performance and help designing way forward on regular basis. • Liaison with the international program and policy team to continuously align the India country program with the global program. • Take a lead in conducting scoping study for expansion of the India country program including developing report and presentation to share with national and international donors. • Develop innovative market based and sustainable WASH solution and integrate with the other programs in th
• Develop RBM tool and indicators to monitor the performance of Indo-German bilateral cooperation project “Support to Ganga Rejuvenation SGR”. • Lead the process of developing ME mechanism and indictors to monitor in rivers in India for Ministry of Water Resource, Government of India. • Monitor the performance of India-Germany Bilateral project on regular basis and advice to the program team to overcome the challenges if any. • Develop proposal for research project as emerged from monitoring activities of the project. • Support the Ministry of Water Resource, Government of India to set up the priority areas under India-EU water partnership project. • Analyse the exiting monitoring mechanism of Water Resource Ministry and provide expertise support to 2030 Water Resource Group of World Bank to develop blue print of India Water Accounting for Government of India. • Work with the international water and sanitation experts and coordinate with them to ensure the delivery of the tasks on t
• Design ME mechanism and indicators for national level mass awareness program of NACO, government of India. • Train and capacitate the ME team of 22 states across India and coach them for developing ME plan and budget. • Analyse data information and develop report for the parliament sessions of health Minister. • Develop an online reporting mechanism to report citizens and audiences worldwide. • Oversee the implementation of ME program of AIDS control program in India • Provide technical support to the partner NGOs, regional and state governments to execute the ME activities across India. • Develop research projects as part of learning from ME effort and present them to the government of India for funding as well as to the international bilateral donors. • Undertake field visit to 22 states in India and capture the lessons from the field Revise the ME strategy whenever required based on the lessons learned
• Undertake the scoping study to identify the need and opportunity to start the new projects. • Analyse the facts and figures from secondary sources to validate the findings. • Develop project proposal and present to the government and donors. • Develop strategy and budget for the program, and led the program team, partner NGOs for implementation. • Take a lead in developing the ME mechanism, process, indicators and tools for state program. • Develop ME plan and budget as part of annual operational plan and oversee its implements. • Trained the partner NGOs and other sector players to implement the ME activities. • Providing training to the government workers and other practitioners on the issue of NRM. • Set up the NRM watershed program for underprivileged communities including forest communities and establish partnership with government. • Lead the expansion of the program by building partnership with the regional Governments. • Develop concept notes and proposal for raisin
• Develop plan and budget to pilot a model approach of monitoring MDGs at local level. • Design a process of extensive community engagement to develop monitoring indicators for them to monitor MDGs at local level. • Oversee and provide leadership to the implementation of ME activities. • Design implementation guidelines of the program including mechanism to keep track on the progress on regular basis. • Lead the implementation of ME activities with a team of 25 experts to develop the model approach. • Undertake monitoring and periodic progress review of the program and identify scope of research project. • Organize and facilitate regional workshops to provide lessons with sector players including government officials. • Establish linkage with the department of rural development, education, health and water sanitation, and collaborate with them for their contribution in developing the model ME approach for MDGs. • Develop presentations and financial report to share with d
• Undertake midterm evaluation of the ongoing literacy and education project • Design implementation guidelines for literacy program and oversee its implementation. • Develop research project for literacy and early childhood education program. • Develop monitoring process, methods and indicators to assess the project performance • Analyse the monitoring data, information and develop report to share with donors Child Fund International, government and other sector players. • Undertook monitoring and periodic progress review of the program and identified lessons. • Organized and facilitated regional and national platforms to provide lessons to sectorial actors, including government officials to inform approaches of education and literacy programming. • Established linkage with the department of education, eater and sanitation, health and nutrition for bringing alignment with child development programming in the project areas.