Pankaj Anand

Programme Specialist: Resource Mobilisation & Communications at International Planned Parenthood Federation-South Asia Regional Office

New Delhi

Resource mobilization/Fund Raising

Public Health/WASH

Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)


Seek a leadership position with an organisation of repute where my earned experiences and skills of over 18 years can contribute towards organisations goals.

Professional Experience

  • Programme Coordinatoraug-2000 - oct-2004


    Management of Urban Governance Programmes in multiple states in India

  • Programme Specialist: Resource Mobilisation & Communicationsjul-2011 - aug-2015

    International Planned Parenthood Federation-South Asia Regional Office

    Resource Mobilisation for the Secretariat and the Member Associations in the South Asia Region, Conducting training, increasing visibility, developing communication collaterals etc

  • Manager: Knowledge Mangaementdec-2006 - jul-2011

    India HIVAIDS Alliance

    Managing knowledge, research and communications

  • Chief Operating Officeroct-2004 - dec-2006


    Overall administration and management

Volunteering Experience

    Not Specified

Awards & Certifications

    Not Specified