Livelihood/Skills Development
Middle Mgt (Regional/ Zonal Manager, AVP, State /Regional Head)
Social development sector professional. ample experience in livelihoods and skill development areas. have work experience in Asia and African regions with INGOs currently working with UNDP India.
Consultant - Livelihoods, Employment and entrepreneurship development activities for women in India.
Deputy Manager - Skill development projects handled in Sri Lanka. for Vocational college students, Tsunami disaster areas, and Plantation sector youth.
Regional Manager - Handled skill development projects in Andhra Pradesh sponsored by state government.
Handled CSR, SEZ skill development projects from corporate - Pepsi Co, DLF, TSRDS, ILFS, POSCO for the project effected areas in Maharashtra, Chattisghar, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh
Govt.Of India - Ministry of Rural Development - Skill development focused on Jammu and Kashmir youth.
Skill development projects in East African region - Design policy to implement the programmes for Vocational college students and Vulnerable youth across the country.