Zahir Abbas


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Performance-driven Professional with over 13 years of experience in Corporate Social Responsibility, program Management, Capacity Building, Partnership Development, Knowledge Management and Team Management Last associated with Jindal Power Ltd., Arunachal Pradesh as Manager - Corporate Social Responsibility Expertise in monitoring program baselines while controlling the same with respect to cost, resource deployment, time over-runs and quality compliance to ensure its satisfactory execution Skilled in developing and executing high-level strategies, making high-stakes decisions and combat mission-critical business challenges Contributed to knowledge sharing for evidence based policy and programme influencing Achievement oriented professional with excellent people management skills to manage change with ease

Professional Experience

  • STATE WASH CONSULTANTdec-2016 - sep-2017


    •Influencing Policy and Building Partnerships Analyse existing WASH sector policies and policy environment, governance and institutional bottlenecks, systems of management, risk allocation and coordination systems around WASH sector programmes relevant for children in the state. Recommends corrective actions to be taken by the State office to improve efficiency and effectiveness of WASH sector programmes to ensure adequate focus on SDG’s. Interact with state govt other stakeholders involved, on the advocacy and management of policiesprogrammeprojects. Participates in meetings with Departmentsstakeholders responsible for programmeproject review, and follows up on implementation of recommendations and agreements. Assists in the development andor introduction of new approaches, methods and practices in project management and evaluation for replication by the State Government.

  • Manager CSRmay-2013 - jun-2015


    Research Development • Conducted o Community Need Assessment Study, Mid Term End Line Evaluation o Social Impact Assessment Study of 3097 MW Hydro Power Project Education • Developed o Pre School Education or Kinder Gardens o Primary, Middle High School Education o Child Friendly School System for Children • Monitored capacity building of teachers and made sure quality education • Instituted skill development trainings for drop outs adults • Imparted infrastructure support • Managed provision for scholarships sponsored education programme Health Family Welfare • Provided o Pre, Ante Post Natal Care for pregnant mothers o Necessary infrastructure support like upgradation, renovation, medical equipment, drugs ambulance • Made sure immunization of infants • Conducted outreach health camps, eye and so on • Administered adolescent health programmes • Implemented targeted intervention for IDU users with support from Arunachal Pradesh State Aids Control Society APSACS and DMO, Anini

  • State WASH Consultantmar-2012 - may-2013

    UNICEF Assam

    • Provided technical assistance to develop WASH project components focusing on i home hygiene, sanitation and drinking water safety ii WASH in schools and iii familycommunity managed water supplies and water resources. • Made sure that WASH interventions in particular with health, nutrition, child protection and programme communication Child Survival and Development and with education girl‘s education and school and Anganwadi sanitation • Developed o Facilitator’s module on Menstrual Hygiene Management MHM for the Adolescent Girls Club of the Tea Garden areas in Assam o Strategy to mainstream the MHM module with the Life Skill Education training under the Child Protection Programme o Social Behaviour Change Communication Plan for the Tea Gardens Communities Marginalised Socially Excluded to eliminate Open Defecation and improved WASH • Monitored overall implementation of Community Approaches to Total Sanitation CATS programme in the District of Dibrugarh for promoting ODF • Reviewed

  • State NGO Coordinatormay-2007 - feb-2012

    Mission Director, National Rural Health Mission, Assam

    Highlights • Acknowledged for getting a Mother NGO MNGO in all the 27 districts of Assam • Played a key role in developing the idea of involving the MNGOs in other health activities like advocacy, sensitization, and ownership of a Health Institution under PPP apart from the usual RCH services • Facilitated in developing the Behaviour Change Communication strategy for NGOs of respective districts. • Pioneered in implementing Community Monitoring programme in selected 06 districts of the State involving various stakeholders. • Contributing towards capacity building of o NGO volunteers on BCC strategies o 1110 NGO members on Health Sanitation for training up of VHSCs through PRA o District Media Experts Community Mobilizers on BCC and IPC techniques



    Highlights • Successfully led guided the Disaster Management Teams with arrangements of Rescue Relief Operation • Pivotal in circulating Relief materials through boats, helicopters and so on • Played a key role in reviewing innovating locally available communication measures before the floods wherein the resource inventory of the districts helped the fire fighter teams of N.F. Railway to extinguish the fire that broke out in the in the jungles of Borail Hills

Volunteering Experience

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Awards & Certifications

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