Posted By: Lady Bamford Charitable Trust
Program Development & Management
Women Empowerment
About the Position
LBCT has been working with 70 SHGs in 7 villages -Bhambhoriya ,Bagrukhurd, Tilwasa, Devliya, Jhai ,Kalwada and Nevta in Jaipur location under the engagement programme . We are looking for a project officer for enhancing the level of every SHG’s grade in the rural areas of Jaipur district in Rajasthan.
As a self-help group (SHG) form the first level organization of the women. SHG formation out of affinity among members of the group has to organize and conduct their group activities strictly adhering in “Punch Sutra” as per National Rural Livelihood Mission’s (NRLM) standard operating procedure which are as following:-
1. Regular /weekly/monthly meeting of SHGs.
2. Regular savings
3. Regular inter lending
4. Regular payments
5. Transparent books of accounts.
Key responsibilities for this Financial year
· Formation of 5 SHGs at LBCT supported villages with bank formalities .
· Supporting 20 SHGs for opening bank account
· Supported SHG members in preparing documentation of 250 SHG members with government schemes.
· Mobilization of environmental committees for monthly meeting at 3 villages.
· Facilitating monthly saving meeting of 35 SHGs with LBCT supported village to follow the panch sutra.
· Capacity building of identified entrepreneurs in LBCT supported village.
Expected outcome.
· 5 SHGs will be formed with Bank responsibilities, and they will be trained as per SOP of SHGs formation.
· 20 old SHGs account will be opened.
· 250 members of SHGs will be linked with government schemes which will directly benefited to family members .
· Strenthening of 3 Sanvardhan committees will be completed, and they would start to conduct meeting as per requirement of village.
· Capacity building of entrepreneurs will be completed by inhouse.
· Minimum Qualification should be BA/BSW
· Having 3-4 years working experience with SHGs, clusters, village level environmental Committees ,Banks, in the rural areas of Jaipur.
· Having experience of working with government departments.
· Having experience of record keeping and documentation of projects
Graduation - BSW