Post of ORW at IDU Delhi
Salary Pay- 12,000
Education and experience:-
• Should be educated at least up to 8th standard with good knowledge of
the local community and local language
• Should have good knowledge of the functioning of TIs and special
preference would be given to experienced female PEs or clients who are
stabilized on OST Spouses or female partners of male IDUs are
encouraged to apply.
Knowledge and Skill:-
Should be sensitive and empathetic towards the community
• Should have good communication skills
• Proficiency(working knowledge in simple data analysis and
interpretation), report writing, case study compilation
• Should maintain confidentiality of the clients
• Should be able to travel as and when required
• Ability to work in small team and flexible ways of working.
• Capacity to monitor report and guide the team under her.
Roles and responsibilities:-
• Compilation of data of IDUs who are married and/or staying with the
regular sexual partners and Female Injecting Drug users (FIDUs) in the
project area in consultation with the Program Manager M&E Officer.
• Preparation of micro plan, risk and vulnerability analysis to provide need
based services to the spouses/sexual partners of the IDUs and FIDUs in
the project area.
• Conduct One to one and one to group sessions on Harm reduction, safer
injecting, OST, overdose, correct and consistent use of condoms etc.,
Reproductive and Child Health, STIs, basic health problems
• To develop field/site visit plan in consultation with Project Manager and
ORWs to reach out to the spouses/sexual partners of IDUs and FIDUs.
• Conduct demand analysis of needles &syringes and condoms
• Ensure uninterrupted free supply of needles & syringes and condoms as
per the demand
• Sensitise the spouses/sexual partners on their role to ensure adherence
of IDUs who are on OST and motivate FIDUs for OST.
• Prepare and mobilise the spouses/sexual partners of IDUs and FIDUs for
health check-up or HIV counselling & Testing
• Ensure linkages and adherence to ART drugs and regular medical checkup with ICTC, ART, STI clinic etc.
• Conduct Family Life education counselling for couple for enhancing
positive family environment
• Identify key stakeholders in the communities and facilitate the advocacy
activities with them
• Identifying various social security schemes and ensuring linkages of
clients with appropriate schemes
• Provides support to coordinate the DIC activities involving the
spouses/sexual partners of IDUs and FIDUs
• Maintain records of free condoms/Needle and Syringes received from
the project and distributed by self or Peer Educators to FIDUs
• Update the Program Manager on activities accomplished as planned and
any need based
? Reporting and follow up action points to address any issues identified
? Facilitate crisis response activities identify rehabilitation centres for IDUs
and promote linkages with them.
Key results expected:-
• Increased access of services by the IDU spouses, FRSP, and FIDUs at the TI
set up as well as to linkages centres including access to “ Social Security
• Better health seeking behaviour in terms of improved Sexual
Reproductive Health and Child Health Care
• Improvement in their family life with reintegration to the mainstream
• Report to PM
• Provide data/ information required for preparation of reports.
• Maintain records on referrals to other services, follow up register,
reconciliation of referral cards, patients cards if required, condoms stock,
needles and syringes stock, collection and disposal of used needles and
syringes, etc and follow up or any other documents as required.
Location: Delhi, Delhi
Not Specified
Graduation - Graduate-Other