Posted By: Sarvarth Sewa Sansthan Lucknow
Junior Management
Program Implementation
Greeting from Sarvarth Sewa sansthan Lucknow UP)starting project in Banda district with UPSACS in Targeted Intervention Project (T I)at District–Banda (U P).
Vacancy for post of Outreach Worker (ORW) Male.2 Female .1
Qualification:- B.A. & Social works.
Experience:- 1 to 2 Years in the field TI work.
Salary:- Rs. 10500/- Per month.
T A:- Rs.1500/- Per month.
Total:- Rs. 12000/- Per month.
(As per NACO and UPSACS guidelines)
Job Responsibility:- As per NACO and UPSACS TOR
Interested candidates may send their latest only C V/Resume.
Resume will be accepted on 11.03.2024 at 12:00AM afternoon.
Interiew date: 11.03.2024 time: 01:00 Pm to 5:00 pm
Node: All candidates Hard copy of all document are eligible during time interview.
interview place: Ram Narayan Gupta Near Dr. Pragya Prakash hospital Katra road Banda (UP)210001
Orgnization Email ID-
Mobile no. 9415176020
Location: Banda, Uttar Pradesh
Not Specified
Graduation - Graduate-Other