Center Mentor

Posted By: Welive Foundation


Junior Management

Program Implementation


Job Description

• Build and maintain a healthy and caring community among the young people.

• Build and sustain open channels of communication with the young people.

• Provide an environment in which young people feel nurtured and cared for.

• Provide guidance to them in case they face any challenges.

• Address any grievances or attend to any health issues raised by them.

• Coordinate any group or individual counselling/mentoring sessions at the


• Ensure that care leavers are attending their classes and work on time and


Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka

Eligibility Criteria

Not Specified

Desired Candidate Profile

Graduation - Graduate-Other

Organization Details

  • Organization Name:Welive Foundation
  • About Organization:WeLive Foundation was formed to address the needs of young adults, who leave child care institutions at the age of 18. Our purpose is to support them to live independently and integrate with society. Care Leavers, who leave care institutions at the age of 18, will benefit from a 3-5 year transition program when they leave care. A transition program is required as they may find it difficult to fend for themselves at the young age of 18. This transition program will ease them into the world with confidence, skills, required mental and physical health.

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