Block Coordinator Education

Posted By: Youth For Social Development (Ysd)


Junior Management

Program Implementation


Job Description

About Youth for Social Development (YSD):

Youth for Social Development (YSD hereafter) is a social purpose organization dedicated to catalyzing holistic development of the most marginalized in the state of Odisha, India. We work with both, the right bearers and the duty providers. Making people and communities on the margins more aware of entitlements and equipped to avail the same through working with all the relevant players in the eco-system. Working together to avail basic services, empowering the communities on the margin and nudging the local governments and elected representatives – through research, advocacy and training – constitute the core of our approach.

Purpose of Job:

Work in a project on “Improving Foundation Learning (Literacy and Numeracy) of Children in Grade I-V in Government Schools in Ganjam district of Odisha” at the Gram Panchayats and Block level through directly working with teachers, school leaders, education officials (CRCC, BRC and BEO). Mobilisation, training and capacity building of service providers and engage with children, parents, community SMC and PRI members on education specifically foundation learning for the children of standard I to V. Support, guide and monitor Community Learning and Support Centres (CLSCs) in remote rural areas in Ganjam.

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

• Working as ‘Block Coordinator’ at the gram panchayat and block level with education service providers, officials and administration and on the other hand engage with children, parents, SMC and PRI members to improve access and quality of primary education specifically foundation learning (Std. I to V).

• Capacity building, training and handholding support to teachers, school leaders, and community educators on Foundation Learning, methodology, pedagogy, teaching and learning materials and infrastructure.

• Setting up, support, and guide activities of ‘Community Learning and Support Centre’, engage ‘Community Education Facilitators’ monitor its implementation, activities, impact on children. Specifically identify dropped out boys and girls, mobilise children and parent, enrol them in CLSC and later admission into the formal education.

• Working closely with the parents (especially mothers and groups), community members, School Management Committee (SMC) and Panchayat Raj Institution (PRI) members. Mobilise them to engage with children’s education, improve foundation learning and quality of primary education.

• Conduct the project activities with the designed tools, methods and approaches designed by YSD education team in consultation with its technical partners.

• Contributing to the education project, implementation and conduct its activities as and when required.

Essential Knowledge, Qualifications and Experience:

• A graduate or post-graduate degree in Education/Social Work/Sociology/MBA-Rural Management/Development Studies/Public Policy and Governance

• Knowledge on education specifically ‘foundation learning’ and working with the govt. school education system and teachers, school leaders, education officials, SMC and PRIs members, children, parents and community groups.

• Minimum 3-5 years experience in field of education-foundation learning (K-12), working with multiple government stakeholders and capacity to produce desired time bound results


• Skill on working with children on education: foundation learning

• Skill on working with teachers, school leaders and education officials

• Strong interpersonal skills and cultural awareness

• Good presentation and networking skills

• Ability and willingness to work with children, teachers on education in remote rural areas

Location: Ganjam, Odisha

Eligibility Criteria

Not Specified

Desired Candidate Profile

Graduation - Graduate-Other

Organization Details

  • Organization Name:Youth For Social Development (Ysd)
  • About Organization:Youth for Social Development (YSD) is a development organisation working with the duty bearers and rights holders to improve the lives of urban and rural poor in the state of Odisha, India. Our interventions are primarily in the fields of governance and entitlements, including, health, education, water, sanitation, housing, and climate change. The resource-poor and marginalised communities, especially Dalit and Adivasi children, youth and women are our major stakeholders.

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