Posted By: Gujarat State Network Of People Living With Hiv/Aids (Gsnp+)
Junior Management
Program Implementation
Public Health/WASH
Gujarat State Network of People living with HIV/AIDS (GSNP+)
Devi Arcade, 4th floor, Near Tapi Medical Store, Modi Mohalla, Gaushala, AK Road, Surat 395008. Mo. 7069111010.
Job opportunities
Job designation: M&E cum Training Officer
Positions - 5
Location: Surat (Gujarat), Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh).
Job Code: METO-2024-25-01
Date of Issue: 12/10/2024
Closing Date: 18/10/2024
GSNP+ is a community based non- profit-making organization formed by and for the people living with HIV/AIDS. The organization is based at Surat and members are people with various socio-economic backgrounds. The fundamental principle guiding the work of GSNP+ is the centrality of PLHA (People living with HIV/AIDS) in decision making process that affect their lives. We are also looking to improve quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS through various activities. Consequently GSNP+ is organized and managed by People living with HIV/AIDS. We are advocating issues of people living with HIV/AIDS at State level and working at district level through various district level networks.
“SAMAGRA” CSC 2.0 Care and Support programme is a national initiative to provide expanded and holistic care and support services for PLHIV. CSC expands access to essential services, supports treatment adherence, reduces stigma and discrimination, and improves the quality of life of PLHIV across India. GSNP+ is implementing “SAMAGRA” CSC 2.0 program as Sub Recipient (SR) in the state of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Under this program we are presently covering all districts of Gujarat and MP 36 Care and Support Centers (CSCs).
Specific Job responsibility
1) Support the implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation plans of Vihaan with SSR using eMpower application
2) Undertake periodic supportive supervision and onsite data validation (OSDV) visit to CSCs. Visits can be planned based on the performance of CSC, coordination and networking issues, management issues and any other pertinent issues. Keeping in mind, the budget allotted for travel, a site visit to be planned based on specific needs.
3) To undertake regular virtual meeting with CSC PC and ART team for data validation and reporting, review the progress and for capacity building.
4) To ensure timely submission of Monthly & Quarterly report to PR.
5) Collection and analysis of data from SSR and ensure the quality and authenticity of the data
6) Contribute to the implementation of effective monitoring, review and evaluation strategies and activities for programmes against agreed project deliverables
7) Maintain up to date accurate records on MIS data and programme indicators at all levels.
8) Support the compilation of information, including workshop reports, quarterly and annual reports and review and re-planning reports.
9) Support the development of tools and resources for use by SR and state level partners in monitoring.
10) Support the implementation of eMpower application for the Vihaan programme at the SSR level.
11) Prepare data analysis of priority population and their coverage and provide feedback to SSR to enhance the quality of programmes.
12) Support SSR in systems and procedures to ensure donor compliance.
13) Conduct programme evaluation and prepare strategic documents/reports and disseminate the learning through appropriate forums.
14) Support assessment processes within Vihaan Project in the State/Region to develop M&E capacity building plans for needs identified.
15) Provide support to the delivery of capacity building programmes for SSR.
16) Assist in managing any relevant external technical support that may be required for the SSR
17) Monitor, review and evaluate the progress and impact of capacity building programmes.
18) Support the Programme manager in the compilation of information from attendance at external monitoring and evaluation initiatives.
19) Undertake periodic site visits for monitoring of project records at SSR level.
20) To train the community staff on data collection tools through methodologies best suited for them
21) Undertake periodic data analysis of target vs achievement and submit to SR and SSR team to understand the present gaps in the program and to facilitate the programme planning to bridge the gaps
22) Liaising with SACS, DAPCU and other development partners in coordination and data sharing.
23) In consultation with the Programme Manager, represent SR in appropriate state and district level forums.
24) Undertake other responsibilities not outlined above which are commensurate with a role of this nature and which have been discussed and agreed between the line manager and the post holder.
Location: Surat, Bhopal, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh
Not Specified
Not Specified