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Adarsh Gram Vikash Bahu. Shikshan Sanstha, Gondia is a social NGO mainly working for Women Empowerment, Child Development Rural Agricultural Development Capacity Building in Tribal as well as Rural areas for the Social, Economical, Mental, Educational, Intellectual and Political development of the people. With the help of people, to get rid of their problems with the help of young generation and experienced social workers. The society is mainly works at Amgoan, Tiroda, Gondia and Goregaon talukas in Gondia District of Maharashtra by arranging programs on Women Empowerment, Women Self Help Saving Groups, Child Education Child Labor, Educational Program, Sports, Health Programs, AIDS HIV, Forest Water Soil conservation Development Programs, Rural Sanitation Program, Reappraisal of Social Superstition, Growing up the Arts of Tribal, Rationing, Child Help line, Agricultural Program, Water Conservation and many more Training Programs. Self-dependence is the key factor of the society an
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