Blind People Association





BPA - ONE WINDOW SERVICE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Blind People's Association is a professional organization which believes in providing equal opportunities to all categories of people with disabilities. Consistent with the philosophy, it works for providing education, employment opportunities, equal rights and quality life for them. BPA, understands that gainful employment plays an essential part in the life of a person because it gives him status and binds him to the society. Acceptance of disabled persons at work can be viewed as society's acceptance of these Persons without discrimination. However, many people with disabilities are still unable to obtain gainful occupation and are dependent on others. Our Employment and Placement services is a step towards providing employment as well as self-employment opportunities for people with disability so that they can be financially independent and self-sufficient. since 1984, BPA has continuously strived to provide employment Opportu

Causes Working On

Disability, Inclusive Education, Skill Development of Persons with Disabilities, Women Empowerment, Employment and Placement of persons with disability, Rehablitation services.

Awards & Certifications

  • Nagarikta Puraskar 2017. May-2017

    Ahmedabad Management Association

    Dr. Bhushan Punani, Executive Secretary of BPA was conferred Anubhai Chimanlal-Ahmedabad Management Association (AMA) Nagarikta Puraskar 2017.