Women Empowerment
Mahila Housing SEWA Trust MHT is an autonomous organization promoted by the Self Employed Womens Association SEWA in 1994 with the vision to realize the right to shelter and dignity for all. Founded with the mission of building sound housing and living environments for poor women in the informal sector, MHTs programs address basic civic and housing infrastructure needs, including water, sanitation, drainage, solid waste management, roads, electricityenergy, low-income housing and secured land tenure. MHT facilitates access to information and financial, legal and technical services in housing, water and sanitation, energy, housing finance, climate change, urban planning, construction related livelihood sectors with a focus on improving the quality of lives and livelihoods of poor women. MHT believes that all citizens, irrespective of their residential status, have a right of equal access to basic services and that they have a right to be treated uniformly and justly by the service provi
Habitat Development-Water, sanitation, housing, skill development, energy, land rights, micro-finance; Integrated Climate Resilience; and Urban Governance