Centre for Social and Behaviour Change Communication



Social Sector



SBC3 is a non-profit organisation set up to develop SBCC (Social and Behaviour Change Communication) interventions, using evidence-based behaviour sciences, to resolve critical issues addressed by development sector. SBC3 develops and uses SBCC methods for own programmes targeting the issues of Adolescent Mental Health and Child Sexual Abuse. In addition, SBC3 also develops and implements SBCC based interventions for causes as commissioned. SBC3 is a UNICEF Partner agency in Maharashtra, working to end Child Marriages in Maharashtra. Core focus area for our own programmes: Adolescent Mental Health Today, 1.2 billion adolescents stand at the crossroads between children and the adult world. Around 243 million of them live in India. The adolescent population in India is under a lot of pressure as they are expected to excel in studies, have a great social life, excel in sports and co-curricular activities and be extremely successful in all areas of their life.

Causes Working On

Adolescent Mental Health, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Marriages

Awards & Certifications

    Not Specified