Age Care
ARGA foundation literal meaning of ARGA is ‘Energy unit’ and we also abbreviate it for ‘Action for Realistic Growth Aid’ is a non-profit organization registered under the Bombay Charitable Trust Act, 1950 vide registration no. E21780Ahmedabad dated 26-04-17. Based in Ahmedabad, the organization is working since early 2017 to create awareness among different social groups, policy makers and general population at large to address inequality, vulnerability and promote just development. We direct our resources toward realization of acknowledged rights for citizens who face discrimination exclusion. ARGA foundation based in Ahmedabad, is working to create awareness among different social groups, policy makers and general population at large to address inequality, vulnerability and promote just development. ARGA Foundation continuously works toward realization of acknowledged rights for citizens who face discrimination exclusion. Mission ARGA Foundation is a non-profit, non-religious
Health Making sure health care needs are met satisfactorily Education Improving coverage and quality of all level of education Social welfare Ensuring social protection of people in vulnerable situation Environmental sustainability Encouraging responsible usage of natural resources