New Delhi
Women Empowerment
Natural’s Care is a non profit, non government organization, working via partners to promote ,educate and involve people in rural and urban areas to achieve a better quality of life. Natural’s Care was established in the year 2000 with registered office at Delhi with a broad vision of envisaging a self reliant, egalitarian society based on social and gender sensitivity. Determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith under the flagship of Dr. Prabodh Krishna Khare, Secretary decided to shape up the life of socially and economically deprived people through capacity building training, empowerment, education and better health care practices. There are agricultural development projects supported by IFAD, MDA, and NMPB for cultivating medicinal and aromatic plants through mobilization of rural community, organizing workshop cum training camps, establishing herbal nursery and oil extraction units and above all providing backward and forward linkages for sustainable income in Mewat area.
Natural Resource Management, Agriculture Development, Health, Education, Women Empowerment, Child Right
Award for Agriculture Development , Women Empowerment and Non formal Education work in Mewat area from year 2002 to 2007.