Livelihood/Skills Development
Drishtee aims to develop and nurture 500,000 sustainable rural enterprises in the next 5 years, the partnership is with local communities and in collaboration with other stakeholders. To accomplish the objective of formation of enterprises Drishtee requires to play the role of a facilitator for community building within the villages, this entails a continuous and holistic understanding of rural landscape for sustainable development of enterprises and possibilities of forging partnerships.
Community led Integrated village development initiative of Drishtee to enhance local livelihood opportunities and access to basic services, with in community. This approach focuses on building self-reliant, sustainable, interdependent community organization and enable community organizations to design and develop community led economic and social solutions for the betterment of their villages. Program work towards the Self-reliance for rural women through enabling and empowering women by their engagement into community-led micro-enterprise development, capacity building and sustainable market connect for their MEs.