The main objective of the organization is the upliftment of under-privileged families in this modern world. It has organized several projects to help impoverished Indian tribal people. One such project involved providing schooling for children of the Sabar tribe and providing them with housing and healthcare. It also hosts courses to train youths in information technology to enable them to find jobs which require IT skills. The Sangha has also responded to natural calamities in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa states, the Bengal famine of 1943, the Bhopal disaster, the 2001 Gujarat earthquake, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the 2013 Cloud burst in Uttarkhand, the 2015 Nepal Earthquake and Chennai Flood. After 2004 Tsunami, Sangha set up a school for orphans at a cost of Rs.42,50,000 an orphanage at Rs.60,20,000, and 200 houses at Rs.30 Millions on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Sangha built 200 new houses at Sonankuppam village in Cuddaloer which was badly affected by Tsunami.
AgedElderly, Agriculture, Children, Disaster Management, Dalit Upliftment, Education Literacy, Health Family Welfare, Rural Development Poverty Alleviation, Vocational Training. Education of dalit and orphan children,medicare services,old age homecare centre ,disaster relief,social spritual activities..