Livelihood/Skills Development
Yuva Rural Association (YRA) is a registered society functioning from Nagpur. Since 2002, YRA continues to work hard for the development of the rural & tribal poor. The focus is to empower the deprived sections of rural and tribal society through interventions in the areas of livelihoods, gender, natural resource management (Environment) and advocacy to achieve its goals for the betterment of the constituencies. YRA’s current direct interventions are in more than 525 villages from around 18 blocks of 8 districts in Vidarbha region and Parbhani district from Marathwada region of Maharashtra. All these interventions were to address various development issues of the constituency groups- small and marginal farmers, women, youth, tribal and children. YRA also has indirect interventions on various issues at state and national level through our collaborative partners.
Thematic Focus • Sustainable Rural and Tribal Livelihood promotion in larger perspective. Cross cutting areas of interventions • Gender and Social Equity. • Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Development • Responsive Governance • Quality Education Major Development Interventions till now 1. Sustainable Agriculture Program towards ecological and economical sustainability. 2. Women’s Empowerment- Social, economic and political. 3. Facilitating Community Forest Rights as per Forest Rights Act. 4. Diversion based irrigation project. 5. Small ruminants based livelihood Initiative. 6. Wadi (Horticulture) development program supported by NABARD. 7. Holistic Rural Development Program. 8. Placement of International and National youth volunteers to livelihood projects through Voluntary Services organization (VSO) 9. Water & Sanitation project
World CSR Award for measuring the impact of CSR spends for sustainability
Converted 869 acres of rain fed land into irrigated covering 260 small and marginal farmers through construction of 26 diversion based irrigation models. Yield per farmer has increased by 50 % in the last three years leading to increased income by Rs. 15000 to Rs. 40000..