Environment / Energy/ Waste Management
FINISH society was conceived of FINISH programme initiated in 2009 by an Indian-Dutch consortium comprising financial institutions, NGOs, MFI’s, academic and development institutions from India and the Netherlands. With focus on only individual household sanitation and microfinance driven partnership, the Society diversified partnerships to 60+ Partners across 10 states. Adding a mix of microfinance institutions, NGOs, milk cooperatives and SHGs as partner organisations. By the year 2014, FINISH Society expanded operations into School WASH, Solid Waste Management, Liquid Waste Management, Research & Study, Capacity Building, Health & Financial Inclusion. After successfully completing first phase of FINISH programme, the Society is now leading second phase of this programme: FINISH Mondial. It is a six country partnership programme, and FINISH Society is taking leadership position because of delivery and innovations. FINISH Society heads the Global Board and Kenya Board of Mondial.
Sanitation, Water, Waste Management, Health & Nutrition, Training & Capacity Building, Knowledge Management & Research and Agriculture
District Administration of Aligarh, Firozabad, Mainpuri, Kapurthala, Morena, Nagar Parishad Dungarpur, Guntur Municipal Corporation for efforts on Water and Sanitation.
FINISH Film “Let’s Make It Right” as Best Social Development Campaign of the Decade Category
Best NGO doing International Public Private Partnership in the field of Sanitation
During World Toilet Summit, FINISH Society was awarded for their extraordinary work in the area of sanitation financing.
Contributions to the global sanitation & public health challenge through entrepreneurship.
For a short documentary FINISH Film "Let’s Make It Right" on sanitation and health in Indian context.