Social Sector
PROFILE OF JAN VIKAS SOCIETY Address : Janvikas Society Ashram Campus, Palda Post Box – 103 Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. 452 001 Contact Person : Roy Thomas Director, Janvikas, Indore. e-mail: : Website: Phone number: Office: +91734027208 Mobile: +919009948987 Registration Number of Society : IND/6857, 23rd April, 2003 INTRODUCTION Janvikas works for the integral development of the underprivileged and marginalized people, who are deprived of their right to live as dignified and responsible citizens because of their ignorance, illiteracy and poverty. Janvikas pays special attention to the welfare of the unorganized labourers, waste picking women and children, unemployed youth and migrants. It reaches out to over 10,000 waste pickers in the cities of Indore and Bhopal. The major focus areas are Em
The activities of Janvikas come under three broad categories:- Community Development (Empowerment) Education 2.1. Community Development Activities:- In the urban set up of Indore the marginalized and neglected people live in the slums. Most people in the slums are unorganized labourers. Much of our community development activities are thus focused on the development of people in the slums. Waste picking women form the most marginalized group among the unorganized workers. An estimated number of over 8000 families in Indore earn their livelihood from waste picking. And three times the numbers of people depend on allied activities with the waste collection and the waste recycling trade. They include the rag-picking women, itinerant buyers, small traders and middle-men, stockiest, workers at the small and medium sorting units, recycling factories and the dealers of the end products. Thus Janvikas has been working with the waste picking womeProtection of Environment and Ecology
“Swachata Puraskar” award was given by Smt. Malini Gaur, the Mayor of Indore Municipal Corporation for creating awareness among people of Indore on cleanliness under Swachh Bharat Mission.
“Best Work on Innovation in Rights of Informal Sector Workers” by Indo Global Social Service Society, Delhi was given to Janvikas Society for its commendable work in organizing the waste pickers in the city of Indore.
“Excellence Award for National Social Activity” by Global Achievers Foundation, New Delhi was given to Janvikas for its outstanding contribution in the field of social development of the under previleged sections of the society.
“Bharat Vishisht Sewa Puraskar” by ‘Foundation for Accelerated Community Empowerment’ (FACE), New Delhi was conferred to Janvikas Society for its services provided to the poor and the marginalized in the society.
“Finance Excellence Award” by Indo Global Social Service Society, Delhi was conferred to Janvikas Society for its excellence in finance management.
“Madhya Pradesh NGO Leadership Awards 2018” by Dr. R.L. Bhatia, Founder, World CSR Day and World Sustainability was conferred to Janvikas Society for its exemplary contribution in the field of development sector.
“Inspire Awards 2018-19” by Parivartan & Britt World Wide was given to Janvikas Society for being an inspiration to many through its dedicated service to the humanity.