????? The Association for the Mentally Challenged (AMC) is the oldest registered charitable organization dedicated in enhancing the lives of intellectually challenged persons in Karnataka. It is the second such National level institution serving this group of citizens in Bangalore since 1960 by Dr.D.L.N.Murthi Rao, Founder of AMC. It started as bi-weekly clinic in two rooms spared by the Central Social Welfare Board. On 29 June, 1962, it was registered as a Society under the name The Association for the Mentally Handicapped (AMH). The name was changed to The Association for the Mentally Challenged (AMC) at the turn of the century, in keeping with worldwide trends. The children facing intellectual challenges have special needs. They along with their caregivers need support throughout the life cycle. It is this recognition of the special needs of the intellectually challenged individuals and their families, that AMC has been working on during the last 58 years.
AMC’s Services include: ? A Special School for the Children between the age of 4 to 16 ? A multi facetted Vocational Training Centre for young adults ? A Sheltered Workshop for creating job oppourtunity for the trainees. ? A Research Centre and Support Programme to empower the Parents & Caregivers of the beneficiaries. ? A respite care for the Severely Challenged persons. Mission: To promote the independence, productivity, integration into community and self-determination of individuals with intellectual disability disorder (IDD) through a coordinated program of research, training, technical assistance and dissemination activities. AMC’s pioneering work in addressing the intellectually challenged for the last 5 decades is unique and empowering. Special Education in simple terms means the education of Children with Special Need through specially designed classroom session.The Vocational Training Centre of AMC is serving the purpose of occupational therapy and rehabilitation of adult