Child Care and Nutrition
Vaishnavi Welfare and Charitable Trust (VWCT) is a registered charitable trust focusing on addressing the problem of malnourishment in children through the wisdom of Ayurveda. We are one of the frontrunners who have been tirelessly and seamlessly working in Tamil Nadu to promote Ayurveda measures as the first line of treatment for malnourishment in children. We made our humble beginnings in the year 2014 and have ever since supported close to 2575 children with Jeevani Milk. Through our efforts, we ensure that not only are immediate problems attended to but that we make inroads for long term change by raising awareness and encouraging community ownership in health. While there is great emphasis on addressing malnourishment in children, we recognize that health is always interconnected with other aspects like hygiene, education and social development. Our interventions involve not just providing treatment but also increasing awareness and inspiring change.
Malnutrition Ayurveda Intervention Health Children Community based intervention to alleviate malnourishment