Livelihood/Skills Development
Based in Bangalore, Best Practices Foundation (BPF) is a non-governmental, not for profit registered society, that works in the fields of development, governance and gender. Started in 1999, it aims to conduct innovative interventions and research in partnership with practitioners and implementing agencies of the state as well as civil society. Our Mission is to capture the vast and diverse knowledge emerging from the development community, facilitate sharing and cross fertilisation of knowledge and create innovations that address the identified gaps. BPF strives to improve the quality of life for poor and marginalised communities through documentation, innovation, implementation and dissemination of best practices.
Livelihoods interventions, empowerment of women and adolescent girls, institutional stengthening of federations of sanghas and community based organizations of sexual minority populations (transgender, female sex workers and MSM), gender based violence, engendering traditionally male dominated spaces. Action research and implementation projects, Documentation, Evaluations, Needs assessment of best practices across sectors.
MOVE (Market Oriented Value Enhancement) was awarded second place by the YEN Marketplace's Project Impact for successfully innovating a method by which the poor understand and access markets thereby helping the asset poor and illiterate to improve their livelihoods.