About Sampark Foundation: Impact & Scale The unsolved Problem In India, Government led Primary School Education System is suffering with a myriad of issues and the poor learning outcomes for our 144 million children who attend these 740K schools is alarmingly. Third party research and our own base line assessments show that most children even in grade 5 can’t add/subtract or construct simple sentence in their local language. Despite doubling of investment in education by the government over the last decade, the learning outcomes continues to show an alarming negative trend thus an urgent need for a new innovative approach to transform outcomes at scale.
$1 Innovation Sampark Foundation was founded by Anupama Nayar and Vineet Nayar (Former Vice Chairman and CEO of HCL Technologies and Author of Employees First Customer Second) with a belief that “frugal innovation” along with relentless execution in partnership with the government can drive large scale change in learning outcomes. This thought led our founders to give up whatever they were doing in 2013 and dedicate their lives to lead this change. Design thinking with focus on innovation in class room transaction gave birth to Sampark Smart ShalaTM which is a learning outcome focused initiative that uses a sound box with a voice mascot called “Sampark Didi” along with music and songs to teach English using LSRW and whole language approach, Innovatively designed TLMs to teach Math from concrete to abstract , BOT enabled mobile App for teachers that works without internet and multimedia fun workbooks with QR codes for children at less than $1 per child per annum.