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Public Health/WASH
Project Koshika has been working in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh since 2018. The alumni of the India Fellow program, in the year 2018 chose Panna District for designing an intervention that would be based on a year-long immersion, trying to understand the challenges in the region. Using field work, PRA tools and the local network there, it was realized that in the villages surrounding the Panna Tiger Reserve, infant and maternal health and morality were a grave concern. With this in mind, Koshika was born in 2019, an intervention designed to work with the community to address the health of women and children in this community. Koshika currently has a staff of 16 people, including part time consultants. This is a hands-on project that constantly evolves based on the needs drawn from the community through consistent field research. It is focused on reducing the number of infant deaths in 10 villages, as well to increase the overall wellbeing of this community.
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